Friday, October 3, 2008

38 Years Ago Today, We began This Journey Together!

It was beautiful autumn day thirty-eight years ago when we both said, "I do".
In a little church in Stewiacke, Nova Scotia, decorated with autumn leaves and flowers from my mom's gardens, guests gathered to witness our sacred vows to each other. The music played, and songs were rendered,...Each for the Other and God Will Take Care Of You. Little did we realize then where all life would take us...'o'er hills and valleys, through sunshine and rain'...We've been together and blessed by our Lord! It's been a wonderful journey. Truly God has blessed me with such a great and wonderful husband Don to share these years. Joining us along the journey are our two precious children, Stephanie with her husband Allan, and Daniel with his wife Charish, and now two extra special little people...our grandchildren, Kasen (Daniel's son) and Linda (Stephanie's daughter). They are my special joys!
May they all keep their hand in His Who led us all the way,
Until that final day when we're gathered home to stay.